Dia del Charro - CharroAzteca.com

Dia del Charro

“Vestirse de charro es como vestirse de Mexico”



This phrase represents charreria accurately. It is grace, it is patriotism, it is Mexico. 



It’s only fitting that on the week of Las Fiestas Patrias, charros should have their own day to be celebrated.

On September 14, two days before Mexico’s Independence Day, is El Dia del Charro in Mexico. A day to celebrate the sport of charreria and the men and women who practice Mexico’s National Sport. (Yes, you read that right, charreria is Mexico’s national sport, not soccer lol)



Although horses weren’t introduced into Mexico until after the Spanish conquests, the art of charreria has turned into a symbol of Mexico and a way to show national pride across the world. The charro, which was once a Mexican bandit, was turned into a symbol of Mexican pride during and after Benito Juarez’s presidency. Charros became unofficial soldiers of justice and are still considered Mexico’s unofficial army; willing to fight for their country. 



To see a charro, is to see Mexico’s pride. In other blogs I have written about Antonio Aguilar sporting his charro attire and touring the world, showing other countries the beauty of Mexico’s artesania along with the grace and discipline that is also portrayed by the sport.



That’s why it’s such a great feeling of pride when we see our customers and our followers wanting to show their pride in their culture, whether it be by dressing their sons in white trajes charritos for their baptism, getting married in trajes charros de gala, or even dressing their little girls in vestidos de escaramuza. It’s a way to show our pride for our roots, and a way to learn and teach each other about our history.



Feliz Dia del Charro!

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